====================================================================== SEAN : Session Analysis Justus Janssen - Row-Ware Eindhoven, November 20, 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version number is visible in the About box. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Version - November 20, 2005 * Major improvement in stability when recording a training session in the Row window. * As a result of this, the flywheel does NOT have to be at a standstill anymore when connecting SEAN to the Rowperfect PC interface. * Row window layout files can now be opened using command line parameters. Use the "/L:layout.srl" option. * Opening a Row window layout file with values on the right hand side of the window could result in an error. This has been fixed. * The Open user file and Browse options in the command line parameters now can handle so called relative paths, e.g. using "/B:Data" will open the Browse window with the Data folder located as a sub folder of the one SEAN is installed in. Version - September 18, 2005 * The statistics tab page in the "About" dialogue now contains a line counting the times the program has been run. * In the "Calendar" window, you can add a new Training session for a date that already has one, by right-clicking the date. * The Splash screen now shows the version number. * Various small spelling errors have been fixed. * Switched from WinRAR to Inno Setup Installer. Version - August 7, 2005 * The "Comport : No data" message has been addressed (again). On slow PC's (approx below 500MHz), please don't start and stop rowing with a fast spinning flywheel. It might jam the program. * The "Connect" dialogue shows 4 numbers at the bottom, when the "Test" button is clicked. These numbers indicate sensor detection accuracy. To verify sensor detection, the flywheel must be spinning. The numbers shown there are not (really) relevant, but they should be more or less stable. When they vary much, there is some problem detecting all magnets and/or reading the interface data at all. * Selecting "Default" in the "Options" dialogue now sets the program font to the Windows system default. * The "Help" dialogue is enhanced with a "Statistics" page. Here you can see information on "Total running time", "Total rowing time" and a few other activities. * Training sessions can now be saved automatically to a predefined folder and under a predefined name, bypassing the "File ... is modified. Close anyway?" warning; both folder and name can contain variables, such as {name} and {date}, that will be replaced with the actual data on saving. This feature can be set in the "Options" dialogue. For example, to save all training sessions to the "C:\RPData\" folder, with the date, time and username as filename, you can use: "C:\RPData\{date}_{time}_{username}.stg". Please note that the {date} variable uses the "CCYYMMDD" (Century, Year, Month, Day) format. * In the "Row" window, when a training session is done, the "Results" dialogue shows up, displaying the main workout results summary. * The "View" menu has been re-arranged, and a new "Analyse" menu has been introduced. * All windows within SEAN now have their own icon in the top-left corner, referring to the corresponding buttons on the Tool bar. Version - June 16, 2005 * A "Speed" column is added to Interval data. * The "Connect" dialogue is improved (less errors). From now on, the flywheel is not allowed to be turning too fast when connecting to the interface. * The scale of the axes of the Summary, Intervals and Stroke data charts can be set to either "manual", "semi-manual" and "auto". When set to "auto", the scaling algorithm available in previous versions is used; when set to "semi", the axes the user defined Min and Max values are used, but when data would "run of the scale", they are re-scaled by a factor 2; "manual", of course, just means axes are fixed to the Min and Max values entered. All settings are done in the "Options" dialogue. * The titles shown in the training sessions lists on the right side of each chart, are now (sort of) user definable. By default, they are based on the "Title" field in a training session, but now they can be set to any field in a training session (e.g. "Name", or "Date"), even multiple fields can be concatenated. Again, these settings are done through the "Options" dialogue. * The line-width of charts can now be set from 1 to 4 pixels. * Using the "Test" option in the "Connect" dialogue could result in a "program hang", when the flywheel was turning too fast. This has been fixed. Version - May 23, 2005 * Some of the formats in the Workout results, Intervals and Stroke data have changed by increasing the number of decimals (a.o. Workout "Power avg." and "Time", Interval "Power avg." and "Time" and Stroke data "Est. 500m time".) * The Browser window is enhanced with "local menus" in both the files list as the folders tree : right-click on a file or folder, and a small menu is shown allowing you to rename or delete a file, show Windows file properties and so on. Version - April 7, 2005 * The Calendar window is new. This shows all SEAN compatible files in the folder SEAN is installed in (and below) in a calendar like view. See manual for details. * When an INI file or empty STG file is currently open, and a New Row window is started, the settings from this file can be used. This is more like CARE.EXE works (start a New training session, set options for weight, interval countdown etc. and start rowing). * Some numerical formats have been changed. * Reading the serial port has greatly improved. Using an USB-to-serial adaptor is going much better now. * Memory usage has been decreased. SEAN could take up to 5MB a minute, leading to erratic behavior on PC's with less than 128MB RAM. Now, approximately 1MB per minute is needed. Version - February 28, 2005 * An error could occur if a number of Intervals below 0 was entered. This has been fixed. * The Average power (and Energy also) for the first few strokes recorded were way out of line. This has been corrected. The first stroke now gives a Power of 0 (as does CARE.EXE); the Energy is calculated though. * Times over 59:59 are now prefixed with an hour indicator. Training sessions over 10 hours are NOT supported. * The beginning of the force curves in the Row window could rise very sharply; this has been fixed by rewriting part of the interface module. * Row window layouts can now be saved and restored. The current layout will always be stored for future use of the software automatically, but you can now manually store a specific layout and re-use it later on. Layout files contain the settings for all the elements in the Row window, such as the graphs and parameter cells. To save or restore a layout, use the Layout menu item in the View menu. A few default layouts are available. Version - January 26, 2005 * The Row window now shows the device SEAN is connected to in the status bar (e.g. COM1). * The Z axis graph in the Stroke data and Row window can now be shown in an alternative colour. To do so, select the "Inverse colour" check box on the second page of the "Options" dialogue. Z-axis graphs are always displayed as thin lines. * The "Connect" dialogue is equipped with a "Test" button, which can be used to verify an interface is connected to the PC, and if so, if all 4 magnets on the flywheel are recognized. * In the "Connect" dialogue you can now click the "Search" button, which will try each com-port in turn and test it for the presence of an interface. It will stop testing if one is found. * The "Stroke length" and "Distance" parameters in the Force curves window were showing the same values; this has been fixed. * The "Distance per stroke" measurement is in [cm]. Sometimes, values were shown in [m]. This has been fixed. Version - January 16, 2005 * New files are now by default saved as User (*.INI) files in stead of STG files. * Closing a Training session could result in disappearing "Avg." lines in the Force curve window. This has been fixed. * The program could incidently crash when connected to the interface, and the program was closed while recording. This has been improved. * The "Connect" / "Disconnect" button in the Row window has changed. Clicking it now when connected to the interface, shows a dialogue where you can "Disconnect" or "Pause". This way, you can temporarily pause the recording (or the re-playing of demo data)in the Row window. If paused, clicking the button again will continue recording. Please note that, besides clicking the button, you can also just press the spacebar to Connect, Pause or Disconnect. * Opening a User (*.INI) file in the "New row window" dialogue did allow you to select another SEAN compatible file (such as SES, STG etc.). This has been fixed. * In the Row window, When you just stop rowing, e.g. for a short break, without "Disconnecting" or "Pausing", the training session would be reset by the first stroke made after the break. This has been fixed. SEAN now continues recording and the time will not be interrupted. To "skip" a break, use the "Pause" button (see above). * Resuming a recording in the Row window (when the flywheel had come to a halt) could result in a crash. This has been fixed. * Using count down values (e.g. Time) in the Row window could result in a crash when the workout was done. This has been fixed. * In the Race window, the "Finish" setting is now labeled "Distance". * Fixed split-line colour in the Race window. * Improved buttons in the Race window. * The readout of "virtual" serial ports, introduced by using an USB to serial converter cable, has been introduced. Very experimental for now. Version - November 18, 2004 Only small improvements: * License Keys now contain a "remarks" line, to distinguish different files for different PC's. * In Unlicensed mode, the nag-screen interval is set to 10 minutes. * The "Register" dialogue is improved; now you can copy the Demo key to the clipboard, or e-mail it directly from within SEAN. * Older STG files (made with SEAN versions earlier than can be read (again). Version - October 30, 2004 Trial build. * This version has the earlier announced "Shareware" protection built in. It now operates in 3 modi : Unlicensed, Trial and Licensed. 1. Unlicensed (a test period of up to 60 days, free, with limitations). 2. With a trial license (15 days test period, free, without limitations). 3. With a commercial license (unlimited in use). To obtain a license, please contact us at sean@row-ware.com and note the number found in the About box (Help menu) in your message. A license key will then be sent to you by e-mail. This key is bound to the same PC SEAN was ran on when the About box was opened. * The Row window now comes with build-in demo data. To use it, choose "Demo" under "Device" in the "Connect" dialogue. All results will be calculated as if there actually was a RP interface connected. * The Reference curve is now available in the Force curve chart (right-click left chart). When checked, all visible curves from the Force curves window are also shown in the Row window. You can - for example - set your own running (continuously re-calculated) average curve as a Reference curve. * Fixed Trainingslist update issues (the "Active" checks were not always redrawn). * Trainings can now be saved from within the Row window (no need to switch to the corresponding Training window any more). To do so, chose "Save" from the File menu. * Distance, Time, Energy or Strokes are now counted down to zero, depending on your workout limit. * Closing a Row window now closes the corresponding Training window also, after a warning if data has not been saved. * In the "Options" dialogue a new checkbox "Audible catch" is added. When checked, the PC will produce a high beep at the catch and a low one at the finish of a stroke. * Several menu items can be selected with shortcuts (e.g. pressing [Ctrl] + "B" on the keyboard has the same effect as choosing "Browse" from the File menu). Some of the shortcuts used in CARE.EXE can now also be used, when the checkbox "Use CARE shortcuts" is checked in the "Options" dialogue. They appear right next to the corresponding menu items. * Screen saver and monitor standby are disabled when SEAN is running. * When run under Windows 95, toolbar buttons might not be visible. This has no influence on the actual behavior of the program, it's just "cosmetic". To fix this, a patch from Microsoft is needed. Please contact us at sean@Row-Ware.com for more information. Version - October 11, 2004 Trial build. Expires November 11, 2004 * An IO error 103 appeared in the Browse window when opening a folder that contains STG or BRM files. This has been fixed. * Added "Drive time", "Recover time" and "Stroke time" to the strokedata values. These are only calculated for a training session recorded using the Row window, not for SES or BRM files being read. * Added "Distance per stroke" to the strokedata values. * The values for "Peak force", "Peak force position" and "Relative peak force position" were not calculated in the Row window. This has been fixed. * The "Connect" button did not always react as one might expect (sometimes it needed to be clicked twice in stead of once). The button is now dimmed when in-accessible (when the interface is being tested, for example), and only a single click will do. * All 3 right chart axes in the Row window can now be set manually, using the popup menu (right click). * Drive / Recover ratio is now defined as "Recover time divided by drive time" (or "1 : (Drive / Recover)"). * The "Browse with SEAN" item in the Windows explorer shortcut menu for folders, resulted in error messages if the name of the folder to browse contained one or more spaces. This has been fixed. * Added "Boatspeed" to the strokedata values. * Added a "Training" option in the View menu; this will switch to the training window connected to the Row window (if a Row window is visible). Version - September 11, 2004 Trial build. Expires October 10, 2004 * Added a Preview option in the file-info panel in the Browse window. Version - September 9, 2004 Trial build. Expires October 10, 2004 * Fixed time-format for charts. * Opening small SES files could result in a crash. This has been fixed. * Added a "Z Axis" option in the Summary window. Version - September 8, 2004 Trial build. Expires October 10, 2004 * Added Text colour option in "Options" dialogue. * Redesigned forms, to accommodate larger fonts. * Increased stability for the Row window. * The manual editing of interval, stroke and force curve data has temporarily been disabled. It will be re-enabled in a later version. * Trainings can now be saved as INI (user) files. * Trainings can now be saved as SES files. * Time values are now shown in mm:ss format, in stead of seconds, in all data grids and in the Row window. Only in charts, times are still displayed as seconds. * Added "Video" option in Row window (right-click right chart). Now you can view the Force Curve and the output from a video camera on your computer screen at the same time. (This will only work if your computer has a Video IN connector; see your video card for details). If your computer lacks a Video IN option, a simple webcam can be used instead, but will most probably result in less video quality. When Video OUT is also available, the entire training session can be recorded on video tape, revealing new options for analysis. * Saving a recorded training session, based on an INI file, resulted in the INI file being deleted. This has been fixed. * A new checkbox "Confirm exit" is added to the "Options" dialogue. When this option is checked, a confirmation dialogue is shown when SEAN is closed. * Running SEAN from a Read Only medium (e.g. CD-ROM) no longer results in errors when closing the program. In such a case, Options will not be saved. Version - July 24, 2004 Trial build. Expires September 9, 2004 * Increased stability for the Row window. * A new checkbox "Maximize windows" is added to the "Options" dialogue. When this option is checked, windows are automatically sized to the maximum. * Window layout (position, size, and trainingslist / data area sizes) are now saved for each window type when the window is closed. These values are then again used for new windows of the same type. Version - June 3, 2004 Trial build. Expires August 8, 2004 * Row window is added. To start recording a training session, choose the Row item in the View menu, or click the flywheel button on the toolbar. A "New row window" dialogue will be presented, asking for (a.o.) your name and weight. You can also open a user file (CARE ini file). After clicking OK, a "Row" window will be shown, much like the workout screen in CARE. - Click the Connect button (or press Space) to start recording. - The displays and curves can be manipulated using a popupmenu (right click a value or chart). Settings are automatically saved on exit. - The screen layout can be set with the Layout option in the View menu. * The screen layout of output windows (Force curves window etc.) can now be set with the Layout option in the View menu. * Command line parameters have changed. Version - February 27, 2004 Trial build. Expires June 6, 2004 * Adjusted force curves for forces over 770N (those are fixed to 780N). Version - Jan 19, 2004 Trial build. Expires March 3, 2004 * Improved stability. ========================== www.Row-Ware.com ==========================